Preserve Earthworks and Rural Roads from the Impact of Climate Changes - Technical Report

This report puts together good practices on the various regional approaches to the impacts of climate change on roads and little hydraulic works. The subject has already been addressed during previous PIARC cycles but more on the general geotechnical aspect.
It includes the definition of the climatic parameters that had to be taken into account, the definition of a rural roads and the terminology of the structure of a road (going from embankments, slopes to the pavement layers).
The report covers:
- The definitions of rural roads, climate parameters, road structures,
- The definition and the description of each cluster and for some of them with some examples of a climate change impact on the elementary compound,
- All the feedback experiences of each country concerning the conception, the works and the asset management taking into account the climate change impacts
Finally, the report identifies and prioritizes future developments of the work on this subject by identifying new topics and additional needs that have been reported for the development of the new PIARC 2020-2023 Strategic Plan.
Information sheet
- Date: 2020
- Author(s): Comité technique / Technical Committee / Comité Técnico D.4 Terrassements et routes non revêtues / Earthworks and Unpaved Roads / Obras de tierra y caminos no pavimentados
- Domain(s): Environment / Road Network Operations / Rural Roads / Road Earthworks
- Type: Technical Report
- PIARC Ref.: 2020R02EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-626-0
- Number of pages: 134